miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009

It's funny how you meet people just randomly in the street or somewhere you were supposed to meet another person instead...
It's funny 'cause you don't know if they're going to mean something special in your life
And It's funnier how you tend to forget how you met the people who mean more to you
And the impression you got about them seems so blurry...
Maybe It's because now they mean more than what they meant in that moment

And sometimes the way you meet them seems to be so... dull
But after a while you start to feel like that person could actually mean something to you
And then you notice that you knew this person for some reason
And you might not know it
And you might not care at all

I remember meeting my favourite people in the world just randomly
In a fast food restaurant
By a friend
Or randomly in the street
My favourite way of meeting people is randomly
They tend to be my favourite people in the world
And I love them and I'll be there for them whenever they need me to
And They make my life easier and funnier and happier
Thanks to:
and all the people I'm about to know
And the people I've just met
You mean the world to me ♥

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